What can be achieved in one week with a little effort.

Uncategorized Apr 15, 2018

The details of The Experiment

The Kilimanjaro experiment was conceived as a possible solution to the problem of waking up feeling anxious. I took music designed to provide an EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) like experience and over-laid a guided imagery journey up Mount Kilimanjaro. Then I had those who wanted to participate complete a questionnaire before the started and then after a week of use of the Kilimanjaro Experiment.

 The instructions were:

If you are going to participate. Listen to the Kilimanjaro audio as the last thing you do, in bed, before you go to sleep. Every night for 7 nights. The complete a new PSC again. Score both questionnaires and see what the difference is. That's it. Simple but possibly impactful.

I made the video after the results came in and then. Then the next day I posted the text below on the Panic Pit Stop Support Group on Facebook (if you are not a member but you are interested in having a better life then you would benefit from joining)

This got my attention

I was doing some breakfast reading this morning on the psychological treatment of generalized anxiety disorder: meta-analysis. What this means is that the researchers use statistical methods to cluster all the research studies they can find to see what effects psychological therapy has on generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). To cut to the chase CBT is very effective and it has what is called a large effect size characterised as a Hedges g number. Wait a minute I thought, I wonder what the Hedges g statistic is for the Kilimanjaro experiment? So I did a back of the envelope statistical analysis and, interesting.  The Meta-analysis of the CBT studies was 0.7 for self- assessment. This is considered to be a large effect size. Our number was 0.36 this is considered to be a small effect size. (It goes like this for effect sizes 0.2 small; 0.5 medium; 0.9 large) Our was not tiny by any means and closer to medium than small.

So here is what we did. We defined a problem, crafted a possible solution and implemented it under an experimental condition and then did statistical analysis to determine its effectiveness. And it worked. That is how the scientific method works and I think that is how we move forward. No quick fixes, no magic, no snake oil, no intervention from the gods or angels. We use our head to work together to solve the problems of anxiety, panic and depression.

Once we have it figured out we share it with the world and help the 1,000,000,000 people who need it as well. This is why the team at drpurves.online do what we do.

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