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It's time to take charge of your own mental health

join the webinar Apr 01, 2019

I am seeing a lot of evidence at the moment that supports the view that if you have a mental health problem then you ought to invest in your own recovery. The ‘system’ will not necessarily look after you.

In the UK the annual number of prescriptions for drugs to treat depression and anxiety has almost doubled in 10 years to over 70 million. If this means something to you, please take a moment to reflect on that figure.  I have witnessed this happening and I have been preaching about it for over 20 years. I think the crucial points are that first, antidepressants and anxiolytics  are not a treatment for depression and anxiety as they do not ‘cure’ these problems, they only help manage them. That is a profound truth. You may not know this and you may expect that when you are given a prescription for these that you are being given something that is akin to an antibiotic, you will experience a cure. You are not and you may not. The antidepressants are...

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