Have you ever seen a mind map? I usually create one for my clients during the assessment session for CBT. I call it a Recovery Roadmap. The principle I use with clients is that we look for processes that cause problems. So an example I use is this: Anxiety is the problem you might struggle with but anxiety is not the problem…it’s a consequence of the problem. Something causes your anxiety. Anxiety doesn’t just spring out of nowhere, right? It has to be caused by something else.
Depression is a consequence. Something causes your depression. You experience the depression as your ongoing daily experience but you’re actually experiencing the consequences caused by something else. It’s the something else that we need to deal with.
It’s the causes that need to be stopped. They need to be stopped from creating the consequences you struggle with. This is what I specialize in and this is what all therapy needs to do to have any impact on your life. I...
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